Monday, December 14, 2009


My day started with almond-encrusted French toast (with the secret ingredient of eggnog!), bacon, and lingonberry mimosas. Eaten with friends, I can't think of anything better.

I did some reading (papers. Nothing "fun"), and got on the bus at 77 Mass Ave to head to Harvard. Unfortunately, I ended up on the bus with the dreaded start-go-STOP-jerk-GO driver and nursed my poor nauseated self the whole time. I walked to Pyara to get mah hairs cut (the local Aveda salon.. "Oh, you're from Minnesota, too! Did you know that ---oh! Yes, you did know the company was started there. How great, isn't it! ...and yes, I do love their salons. A tidge self-righteous, but they do a very good job). My stylist did a beautiful diffuser-blow-dry thing-a-ma-bob to my hair to cheerleaderize it and make it all nice and purty (soft curl at the end! So shiny! Not that I could ever actually do that myself). And then I walked outside. And it was pouring rain. And it was frizzy again within minutes. Sigh.

I went straight into lab to talk shop with a labmate about this new project of mine, which shall unfortunately be of the IP-protected variety, but it is very cool. I'm excited to jump in and order plasmids from France tomorrow.

I helped out with a finals study break tonight (McCormick has one every. night. this week. Cookies, pbandj sandwiches, chips, spanakopita, hot cocoa...IWU, you've got nothing on this). We also put on "Wall-E" and I missed my nickname like nobody's business.

Now, I'm procrastinating, oh, sleeping, by listening to Handel's Messiah and writing my holiday postcards (last year's cards hacked up and written on. Ever so eco-friendly. Or lazy and cheap. Or both). And the dishes from last night's epic 45-person study break are finally done. You ever get the feeling that your hands will never de-prune? I am there. It is a wonderful life.

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